Groundhog it (plus a quick announcement)

Hey everyone,

Before we dive into this week’s tactic, I wanted to ask you a question:

Are you happy with how you’re making time for what matters in your life?

I know from my own experience that it's tough to to bridge the gap between intention and action. We set goals, make plans, and then…life gets in the way. 😅

One of the reasons I'm so passionate about Make Time is because It has helped me to slow down, get clarity, and start making progress on what matters most.

Not someday in the future. But today, bit by bit, one Highlight at a time.

A big part of my journey was taking The Highlight Course in 2020. Joining this live cohort with likeminded people gave me just the right amount of inspiration, accountability, and support to create a healthy, sustainable habit of using the daily Highlight and the rest of the Make Time framework to focus on what matters every day.

Over the last few years, we've been focused on our Make Time at Work program, helping teams and organizations make time for what matters. And throughout that time, we’ve had a lot of people ask: when is our next public course?

And finally…I have an answer! Well, sort of 🙃

This fall (exact dates TBD), we’re going to offer a new, live course called The Make Time Academy.

The Make Time Academy will be a personalized, hands-on course for learning and applying the Make Time system to your life.

It’s going to include:

  • 4 weeks of targeted training & practice so you apply the system in the most effective and impactful way
  • Weekly challenges to help you stay accountable and keep the momentum flowing
  • Real-world activities for redesigning your time and focus (you won't just learn stuff; you'll do it)
  • A private community of people like you for connection, support, and inspiration
  • Live video Q&A discussions with us for personalized guidance
  • Access to our latest advice & tactics so you have our most up-to-date thinking on how to make time in this busy world

And since it won’t launch until the fall, there’s still time to make it even better.

That's where you come in.

We need your help.

Do you have a minute to answer this tiny survey?

Something to Try

Six weeks into parenting and I can’t shake the feeling that many days are rinse, wash, repeat.

Admittedly, I get more variety than Claire as I go to work a few days a week, but still, the schedule is largely set by the wake/feed/nap windows of our daughter.

Sure, repetition might feel dull to some, but I’ve been finding enjoyment in the structure of this new routine.

I’m spending the summer working on some big projects for Make Time, so not only is my daily routine the same most days, so are the Highlights I’m focusing on.

This has brought to mind a great Highlight tactic (#2) called Groundhog It (Or, “Do Yesterday Again).

The essence is this: you can repeat your Highlight.

Just like Bill Murray in the classic movie Groundhog Day, you can do yesterday again.

There are a lot of reasons for testing out this tactic.

Got distracted yesterday and didn’t make time for your Highlight? No sweat! Hit repeat and give yourself a second chance.

Did you start on your Highlight, but didn’t quite finish it? Or perhaps it’s part of a bigger project and you want to keep making progress. Excellent! Repeat to build momentum.

Are you establishing a new habit or routine where repetition is essential? Perfect! Repeat to create a habit.

Was yesterday’s Highlight extra satisfying or joyful? There’s nothing wrong with getting some more of that! Repeat to keep the good times rolling.

As I’m operating with limited time, it’s been helpful to remember that I don’t have to reinvent myself every day.

I can keep things easy by reminding myself to Groundhog It and enjoy the simplicity of focusing on the same Highlight, at the same time, for days in a row.

One More Thing

I’m hosting a free, live 60-minute workshop on Make Time next week on Tuesday, June 25th at 9:00am (PT) // 12:00pm (ET) // 5:00pm (GMT+1).

Whether you’re brand new to Make Time, or a seasoned veteran simply wanting a refresher on the core ideas, you’re welcome to join!

RSVP here if you want to come along.

Take it easy,

— Connor

P.S. It’s summer. Time to get creative with your remote work plans.

Time Dorks

Join 20,000 curious humans who receive our bi-weekly newsletter filled with tips, experiments, stories all about making time for the projects and people that matter most. // Written by Connor Swenson, with occasional interludes from Make Time Creators Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky.

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